Committees and Ad Hoc Working Groups

Committees serve the Meeting in many ways, providing discernment and support for the on-going work of the Meeting.

NOTE: In January 2023 we entered into a Sabbath Year.  All standing committees were laid down, while other groups continue to meet (see below) The Meeting may choose during 2023 an approach to the need of and work of standing committees differently for our future.  The website will be updated to reflect this discernment,

Teams and groups continuing into 2023:

The Pastoral Care Team

Sharing from the Gender Margins Group — gathers on the Fourth Sundays after worship (11:30 to 1:00), established to offer a safe, empowering community for intimate, confidential sharing of the spiritual journeys of all Friends of marginalized genders

The Three Rivers Accompaniment Committee — the Three Rivers Worship Group is under the care of Fresh Pond Monthly Meeting and is discerning its way forward in a journey to becoming a Monthly Meeting

The Fresh Pond Monthly Meeting & Framingham Monthly Meeting (New England Yearly Meeting)  and Delicias Monthly Meeting (Cuba Yearly Meeting)  — the joint working group was established to foster a sister meeting relationship

Standing committees formerly included:

Ministry and Worship (a committee of the whole, open to all)

Administration and Stewardship

Spiritual Growth

Gifts and Leadings

Ad-hoc working groups formerly active at Fresh Pond MM have included: 

The Transformation Working Group (laid down in 2022)

Earthcare Concerns Group